About Candidate

An experienced Agriculturalist, Industrialist, and passionate Strategic Business Management Professional with over 23 years in the Agribusiness Industry. Experience includes Agronomy, Crop Pathology, Seed Production Operations, Research and Development, Seed Quality Control, Seed Processing and Marketing. A Career Crop Scientist, Certified Leadership Trainer and Certified Business Strategist.

Amon Mwashaireni
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    Master of Science in Strategic Management 2011
    Chinhoyi University of Technology

    Strategic Management focused on the aggregate of analysis, decisions, and actions that are undertaken to ensure the achievement of a sustainable competitive advantage so that the long-term objectives of a business are actualised.

    Masters of Philosophy in Agriculture 1999
    University Of Zimbabwe
    BSc Agriculture - Crop Science 1996
    University of Zimbabwe
    Certified International Professional Strategist (CIPS) 2019
    Cambridge Global Learning - UK Fellow
    Certified International Professional Leader (CIPL) 2019
    Cambridge Global Learning - UK Fellow

    Work & Experience

    Agribusiness Consultant May 2022 - Date
    Self Engaged

    Agriculture as a Business Training Agricultural Policy Formulation Leadership Training Strategic Planning Consultancy

    Managing Director April 2004 - May 2022
    Arda Seeds (Private) Limited

    Appraisal of Heads of Departments and recruitment of qualified personnel. Maintaining a sound relationship between ARDA Seeds and the Board. Monitoring and evaluation of all activities and providing direction to the company. Develop budgets for seed business and financial management. Seed production, seed quality control, seed processing and marketing, Agronomy, Crop. Breeding and Crop Protection (diseases, pests and weeds). Seed business training and facilitation of capacity building courses. Crop research, strategic planning, quality management and report writing. Farmer training (agronomy, horticulture, budgeting and finance management). Project/business planning, implementation, evaluation and management. Ensured consistency of the Company’s Quality Management System (QMS) Corporate Social Responsibility

    Seed Production Manager January 2004 - April 2004
    Arda Seeds (Private) Limited

    Develop and implement seed production business. Negotiating contracts with seed growers. Ensuring that parent seed and any other inputs are distributed to farmers in time. Monitoring production of ARDA Seeds seed crops. Providing seed production advice to farmers. Preparing seed production handbooks. Analysing weekly, monthly and annual reports.

    Seed Production Agronomist / Section Manager October 2001 - January 2003
    Arda Seeds (Private) Limited

     Managing field crop production (maize, soyabeans, wheat, barley, sunflower etc).  Horticulture production (tomatoes, cabbages, oranges, mangoes, asparagus, etc) .  Managed production of ARDA SEEDS seed crops in the Manicaland Region.  Carrying out crop inspections and writing inspection reports.  Liaison between government seed inspectors to the seed growers.  Conducting field demonstrations.  Preparing seed promotional pamphlets and leaflets.  Preparing seed production handbooks.  Ensured production of the right seed, inspection, harvesting and dispatch.  Carrying out germination and purity tests.  Identifying seed growers for contracting.

    Crop Breeder October 1998 - October 2001
    Crop Breeding Institute, DR&SS, Harare

     Determine and set priorities for the breeding of dry beans.  Liaison with related organizations, extension services, farmers, industry players.  Experimenting variety adaptation to different agro-ecological zones of Zimbabwe.  Preparing annual breeding plans.  Directing activities of technical and general staff in the dry bean breeding section.  Maintaining computerised records of experiments and seed stocks.  Recording and analysing data, synthesis of results and preparation of journal articles.  Attending national and regional dry bean research workshops.